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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Don't Worry, It's Only A Training Bazooka!

A military rocket launcher was found Tuesday near a rail-transit station, but the FBI said it looks to be a less-powerful model commonly used to train soldiers and would be unable to bring down an aircraft or destroy a train.
The M136 AT4 launcher is used by the Army to destroy light tanks. It will be examined further to be sure it is only a training model, said FBI spokesman Steve Lazarus.
"If it is indeed a training device, it's something you can buy at any gun store," he said.


Wow, that's reassuring. It's good to know that you can buy a training bazooka capable of taking out light tanks at any gun store, Mr. Lazarus.

I think that's what our founding fathers had in mind when they crafted the second amendment--every man's right to have a training bazooka. They'll get mine when they pry it outta my cold, dead hands.

Of course, if they criminalize bazookas, only criminals will have bazookas.

I wonder if I can get a concealed carry permit?

Here's the working title for John Lott's next book: "more Bazookas, Less Crime"

Ten Mistakes

In the president’s last SOTU address, the president hemmed and hawed when asked what mistakes he had made in Iraq. With a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face, the president responded that he “couldn’t think of any”, and seemed taken off guard by this unscripted question.

Two days later retired general Anthony Zinni answered the question, and left the world contemplating how things might have turned out had he listened to Zinni, Schwartzkopf, Shinseki, Powell, and others who expressed reservations about the proposed course of action…

General Anthony Zinni on what mistakes were made:

I think that will be the first mistake that will be recorded in history, the belief that containment as a
policy doesn't work. The second mistake I think history will record is that the strategy was flawed.
The third mistake, I think was one we repeated from Vietnam, we had to create a false rationale for
going in to get public support. We failed in number four, to internationalize the effort. I think the fifth
mistake was that we underestimated the task. The sixth mistake, and maybe the biggest one, was
propping up and trusting the exiles, the infamous "Gucci Guerillas" from London. The seventh problem
has been the lack of planning. The eighth problem was the insufficiency of military forces on the ground.
The ninth problem has been the ad hoc organization we threw in there. And that ad hoc organization has
failed, leading to the tenth mistake, and that's a series of bad decisions on the ground.

James Carville on the 2000 election…

Back in 2000 a Republican friend warned me that if I voted for Al Gore and he won, the stock market would tank, we'd lose millions of jobs, and our military would be totally overstretched. You know what? I did vote for Gore, he did win, and I'll be damned if all those things didn't come true!
James Carville--Fighting Back

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