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Friday, June 25, 2004

If You Love Something, Make It Better

Critics of the Bush Administration are becoming more and more vocal in their protests against the hamfisted leadership of our country, and many are questioning, once again, some of the philosophy undergirding the policies of our country.

The response to criticism of economic, social, or military policy is inevitably some variation of the following:

"Why do you hate America"?

How is it that hoping to improve America through asking pointed questions is a bad thing? We wouldn't have the same attitude with our own chidren or in our professional lives.

Stephen Jobs never asked Bill Gates "Why do you hate the Commodore 64"?

The chairman of Samsung never asked his employees why they hated landline telephones.

Daycare workers never chide parents for being anti-crawling.

Car Dealers never ask customers why they hate their 94 Ford Windstar, they try to sell them a new car!

America needs a new set of wheels, not to drive faster off a cliff with the same old tired policies.

If Liberals can be faulted for anything, it's not offering up a clearly deliniated alternative for the status quo...But then again, when they do, it's ignored by the media.

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