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Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Fightin' Terra With Terra

"America's Finest News Source",The Onion, employs the world's finest investigatory journalists. No other news source comes closer to capturing the philosophy undergirding the Administration's war strategy:

In a response to recent acts of extreme violence against Americans in Iraq and mounting criticism of U.S. military policy at home, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced the government's new strategy of fighting terror with terror Monday.

"Look, in order to catch a rat, you gotta think like one," Rumsfeld said in a grainy and degraded videotape message filmed at an unknown location and released to CNN Monday. "We've been pussy-footing around the war on terrorism for years. All that time, the answer was right in front of us: In order to wipe out terror around the globe, once and for all, we've gotta beat them at their own game."

Read the "Real News"

Is it just me, or is this satire practically identical to what you'd read in your local newspaper?

Bush claimed he was a "uniter and not a divider"...He may not have united the people of America, but satire and major news outlets are now joined at the hip.

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