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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Get Ready for the October Surprise

The right-wing blogs, led by powerlineblog, are a titterin' with rumours of a "tip" that the Washington Times will be publishing a story on Monday that will be devastating to the foreign-policy reputation of John Kerry.

I predict this will be much ado about nothing.

I'm ready to be underwhelmed. First of all, the Washington Times is an unabashedly right-wing newspaper owned by the moonies, and secondly, Kerry has been tarred and feathered by the right almost as much as Hillary Clinton. People are tired of it, and question the veracity of the mud-slingers.

This internet rumour is like lifesaver candies tossed to drowning men. It may have resonance for Bush partisans, but most Americans would like to see the Bush campaign tout accomplishments rather than engage in partisan politics. Gee, I wonder why they don't do that?

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