CHUMP Dear President Obama, I'm not your supporter anymore, so don't ask me for any money. In fact, don't contact me at all--unless you're going to start selling stuff on Kijiji--In that case, I'm convinced I could persuade you to trade your Blackberry for a packet of Magic Beans. Labels: Capitulant, Craven, Deficit, Pathetic, Spineless, Weak |

Read How Bush Helped Osama Recruit Here

Lies That Led To War: Read The WMD B.S. Here
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- CHUMPDear President Obama, I'm not your supporter ...
- My Deficit Reduction PlanMy deficit reduction plan...
- I think Homer Simpson aptly summarized the Republi...
- It's Not About The Plan Do you want to stump a con...
- How Hard Can Healthcare Reform Be?Step One: Ident...
- What's So Scary About Socialism?Really. I want to...
- The Dog and Pony ShowAccording to McCain's campaig...
- Senator Wanderin' EyesTalk about assessing your ru...
- McCain: Iraq is "Peaceful and Stable"Read It:Amaz...
- Would You Pick Lettuce For $50 an hour?On planet M...
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Friday, August 05, 2011
My Deficit Reduction Plan My deficit reduction plan: A war tax to pay for Iraq and Afghanistan. It would be progressive in recognition of the fact that the rich are the demographic least likely to serve, and most likely to have military contractor stocks. Military families would be exempt, and some of the money would go toward a new GI bill. If war were pay-as-you-go, it would be less popular. Labels: Deficit |
I think Homer Simpson aptly summarized the Republican platform on Women's Reproductive Health when he said "Marge, it's not a UterYOU, it's a UterUS". Labels: Abortion |
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's Not About The Plan Do you want to stump a conservative? Ask them what the alternative is. What is the plan Republicans propose to counter what they refer to "Obamacare"? Can they answer you without shouting? Without mention of "socialism" or "fascism" being mentioned? I didn't think so. The truth is, they don't object to the plan, they object to the man. If John McCain had been elected, and if he had proposed an identical policy, there would be no uprising. Krugman writes, ...President Obama is now facing the same kind of opposition that President Bill Clinton had to deal with: an enraged right that denies the legitimacy of his presidency, that eagerly seizes on every wild rumor manufactured by the right-wing media complex. This opposition cannot be appeased. Some pundits claim that Mr. Obama has polarized the country by following too liberal an agenda. But the truth is that the attacks on the president have no relationship to anything he is actually doing or proposing. Read It... I'd love to have a bipartisan bill, but let's face it. When Chuck Grassley starts talking about "Death Panels", bipartisanship is dead. Labels: Health Care Reform |
How Hard Can Healthcare Reform Be? Step One: Identify the problem. Step Two: Identify people who are addressing the problem. Step Three: Evaluate their successes and failures. Step Four: Emulate their success and learn from their failure. Why isn't it this easy? Bob Herbert cites an example in today's New York Times... Read It here... Labels: Health Care Reform |
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What's So Scary About Socialism? Really. I want to know. When someone attempts to link President Obama's attempt to reform our healthcare system with Socialism, should I be curled up in the fetal position under my desk whizzing on my latest issue of "National Republic"? What horrible Socialist boogeymen do Conservatives have in mind when they think of the evils of Socialism? Whenever I hear someone rattling the chains of Socialism, I'm reminded of Monty Python's "Spanish Inquisition" skit. "If you don't talk we'll put you in (buh-buh-buh-Bah)! THE COMFY CHAIR!" I have a long list of fears-swine flu, unemployment, aging, wooden spoons), and Socialism doesn't even break the top 1,000. Seriously. Have you ever been to Sweden? Other than perhaps Dolph Lundgren, there's absolutely nothing to be afraid of, unless the thought of Lutefisk creeps you out. Labels: Dolph Lundgren, Health Care, Socialism |
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Dog and Pony Show According to McCain's campaign manager, this campaign isn't about the issues. It seems the press is doing its' very best to make sure they focus on the personality issues and the polls. I'm currently watching The Today Show, and they've covered the election for ten minutes without even mentioning a single issue. Don't we deserve better than this? |
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Senator Wanderin' Eyes Talk about assessing your running mate! Labels: High School Musical, McCain, Sarah Palin |
Friday, August 29, 2008
McCain: Iraq is "Peaceful and Stable" Read It: Amazing. If the Obama people don't jump on this, they don't want to win. |
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Would You Pick Lettuce For $50 an hour? On planet McCain, do migrant workers make $50 an hour? Does he really think only illegal immigrants would pick at that price? Labels: Immigration., Lettuce, McCain |